We follow the PDCA management. It is good solution and system for normal mould and urgent mould making. We offer Weekly Report for mould making quality control and on time deliver.

PDCA for mould making quality control

The four phases are:

  • Plan: identify and analyze the problem or opportunity, develop hypotheses about what the issues may be, and decide which one to test.
  • Do: test the potential solution, ideally on a small scale, and measure the results.
  • Check/Study: study the result, measure effectiveness, and decide whether the hypothesis is supported or not.
  • Act: if the solution was successful, implement it.

Good quality is in every detail, every step, mould design, material purchase & inspection, machined & fitting etc.

Inspection machine and tools:

  • 1 set CMM
  • 1 set Optical Measuring Projector
  • Hardness gauge
  • Vernier caliper, micrometer, thick/thin plug gauge, screw gauge
  • Toolmaker Microscope, height master, surface Plate

Inspection content:

  • Customer’s Mould Specification Sheet Check
  • Design Optimize control
  • Mould Steel Hardness Inspection
  • Mould Electrodes Inspection
  • Mould Core and Cavity Steel Dimension Inspection
  • Mould Pre-Assembly Inspection
  • Mould Trial Report and Samples Inspection
  • Mould Pre-Shipment Final Inspection
  • Mould Package Inspection

Quality Partner:
