15 sliders moving with gear help mould design
The project is very interesting, as the 15 sliders moving like shrinking with gear help.
The step of mould open is follow:
1. The center inserts is shrinking before A.B plate open. (It just need 3-5mm shrink, as the part need to be location, so that it will not stick on the sliders)
2. The rack was pulling while it is opening A/B plate.
3. The rack pulls gear.
4. All 15 sliders is turning by gear moving.
5. The robot hand take the sprue runner and put out molding part.
(The spruce runner is in the center of part, as it is 3 pin-point gate)
6. Questions:
6.1 How to promise that the gate runner will not remove from part, when the insert is shrinking before A/B plate open?
6.2 How to promise the part stay in core, not pull into cavity? As we know, the slider have been not return when A/B plate open.